Discover the future of urban living in a captivating 45-minute documentary, “The Line: Saudi Arabia’s City of the Future in Neom,” which takes you behind the scenes of one of the most ambitious projects of our time, a visionary megacity currently under development in Saudi Arabia called The Line. Insider insights on the projects are shared by architects like Thom Mayne, Peter Cook, and Reinier de Graaf, as well as by members of the NEOM team.
The documentary offers an unprecedented glimpse into the minds of architects who have been meticulously shaping The Line, a 105-mile-long city that redefines urban living. Six architect studios, including Morphosis, Cook Haffner Architecture Platform, and more, share their perspectives on how The Line represents an alternative to conventional cities. Morphosis founder Mayne describes the intricate yet elegantly simple concept behind The Line, developed as an entry to a design competition for a new city. Cook Haffner Architecture Platform’s Cook speaks passionately about his role as the project’s lead designer, drawing from his innovative ideas dating back to the 1960s.
The documentary also shares remarks by H.R.H. Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman, who addresses skepticism, asserts the feasibility of the project, and discusses the impact it will have on the future of Saudi Arabia.
To watch the documentary, click here or view below: